BPU12 Congress

The following printing houses and journals accepted to be partners of BPU!2 Congress for the publication after  peer-review, without publication fee of the Scientific Papers included in the program

The BPU12 Proceedings published as a volume in EPJ Web of Conferences  by EDP Sciences

Physics in the Balkans: Perspectives and Challenges, 2025. Focus Point Issue of EPJP (IF 2.8) – co-published by Springer and Societa Italiana di Fisica.


Ignatios Antoniadis, LPTHE CNRS Sorbonne University
Radu Constantinescu, University of Craiova, RomaniaMairi Sakellariadou, King’s College London

Special Issue of Symmetry (IF 2.2) –  published by MDPI

The users need to register at  .  Instructions can be found at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry/instructions Log in to your account and click on “Submit Manuscript”; under the menu.  Enter the manuscript details mentioning Journal: Symmetry Special Issue: Symmetries in Applied and Theoretical Physics Selected Papers from the “12th BPU Congress”. You will receive an automatic reply confirming your successful submission.