The BPU-WE HERAEUS School “Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology” will take place at the “Politehnica” University in Bucharest, between July 4-8, 2025, with the financial support of WE Heraeus Foundation. For all accepted participants travel costs, accommodation, meals, as well as the school registration fee will be covered from the WE Heraeus Grant.
School’s Program: The School’s Program includes lectures, a visit to Extreme Light Infrastructure in Măgurele and social events. Poster sessions will also be organized where participants will have the obligation to present a scientific contribution. The entire Program of the school is presented here
Lecturers: The following high-level specialists are invited to present modern topics in Quantum Physics: Luc Bergé(France); Radu Ioniciou (Romania); Aurelian Isar (Romania); Florian Marquardt (Germany); Tilman Pfau (Germany); Christophe Rossel (Switzerland); Marina Rotaru (Romania); Petra Rudolf (Netherlands); Mairi Sakellariadou (United Kindom); Jörg Schmalian (Germany); Calin Ur (Romania); Fabian Wolf (Germany).
Participants: The expected participants are Masters and PhD students, Postdocs and Early stage researchers willing to explore concepts and applications in Quantum Science and Technology. We invite interested persons to register by following the REGISTRATION link from below.