BPU 12 activities will consist in scientific sessions (plenary, oral and poster), satellite events, round tables and visits. Here is the provisional program of the Congress (hours correspond to Bucharest time-CET+1):
July 8, 2025: Arrival of participants
16:00 – Opening Ceremony (“Politehnica” University, Main Aula)
17:00 – Plenary Session 1 (“Politehnica” University, Main Aula)
19:00 – Welcome Dinner (Restaurant of the “Yesterday” Hotel)
July 9, 2025: 09:00 – Plenary Session 2 (Rectory Building, Amphitheatre A 010)
11:00 – Oral Session 1 for Sections 1 – 5 (“Politehnica” University, Library, Levels 2-4)
15:00 – Oral Session 1 for Sections 6 – 10 (“Politehnica” University, Library, Levels 2-4)
18:00 – Poster Session for Sections 1 – 5 (“Politehnica” University, Library, Central Hall)
July 10, 2025: 09:00 – Plenary Session 3 (Rectory Building, Amphitheater A 010)
11:00 – Oral Session 2 for Sections 6 – 10 (“Politehnica” University, Library, Levels 2-4)
15:00 – Oral Session 2 for Sections 1 – 5 (“Politehnica” University, Library, Levels 2-4)
18:00 – Poster Session for Sections 6 – 10 (“Politehnica” University, Library, Levels 2-4)
July 11, 2025: 09:00 – Plenary Session 4 (Rectory Building, Amphitheater A 010)
11:00 – Oral Sessions (“Politehnica” University, Library, Levels 2-4)
13:00 – Congress Closing Ceremony (Rectory Building, Amphitheater A 010)
15:00 – Visit at the Large “Extreme Light Infrastructure”, at NIPNE-HH Magurele
July 12, 2025: 09:00 – The BPU Council (only for the delegates of National Physical Societies)
Departure of participants
Satellite events:
July 1–7, 2025: PhD School “Modern Methods in Quantum Gravity and Cosmology” (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Magurele)
July 4-8, 2025: School “Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology (“Politehnica” University, Library, Hall 2.1)
July 7-8, 2025: SEENET Workshop and Assessment Meeting (“Politehnica” University, Library, Hall 3.1)
July 9, 2025: Round table: Physics for development-new ways for scientific cooperation in Europe (“Politehnica” University, Library, Hall 3.1)
July 9-10, 2025: EPS-TIG hands-on session “Frontier of Quantum Technologies (“Politehnica” University, Library, Hall 2.1)